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Showing posts with the label COVID19

COVID-19 and Changing International Political Order

At the time of pandemic the world order is changing in a very structural sense. Today our world is in the state of chaos. This has been a matter of concern because earlier the world was not that much interconnected. But today when the information technology has revolutionised the way we see our world, the nations are so much interconnected, so that the chaos can have a multiplier effect. The famous Henry Kissinger in his book “World Order” had said that “there has never been a truly world order.” According to him the four vision of world order are:       I.         Westphalian State Centric World Order: It is based on the ideas of non-interference in domestic affairs. The principle of Nation Sovereignty will remains very sacred. India’s very famous the Panchsheel principle is based on this vision.     II.         Islamic world order of Darul Islam:   In this conte...

COVID 19 and recent changes in the Global Order

The corona crisis has only accentuated the recent changes in the global order. This article analyses 7 trends that have been emerging in the global order recently. 1.     The rise of Asia Till the 18 th century, Asia accounted for half the world’s GDP. The European naval expansion and colonialism followed by Industrial Revolution contributed to the rise of the Western world. Now the  balance is being restored whose first trend which became clear in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008. The financial crisis of 2008 tested the  resilience of Asian countries . Even today, Asian economies have demonstrated greater agility in fighting the corona pandemic compared to western countries. The economic forecasts of International Monetary Fund (IMF) has indicated that out of the G-20 countries, Only India and China is expected to show a positive growth in 2020. It is true for other Asian nations as well which displayed a greater responsiveness again...

Geo-politics and the Geo-economics in the post-Covid-19 World

It is anticipated that the world will experience a change in the global order in the aftermath of Covid-19. These major changes will be on the economic and geopolitical front and we can see the failure of the international institutions and role of China and the US (refer: Expansion of G-7 ) Failure of international institutions The major international bodies such as the  United Nations , the  World Health Organization (WHO)  are seen to have failed to curb the grave challenge posed by the pandemic COVID19. The WHO is under attack for being bias and of grossly underestimating  the nature of the epidemic. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is criticized for being slow in dealing with  a situation that is far severe than any military threat in recent times. Economic crisis The COVID19 pandemic will drastically impact the world in many aspects and one is economically. The World Bank has already announced negative growth rate for most countries, i...

Changing Equation of Super Powers during Pandemic (Covid -19)

H. J. Morgenthau one of very prominent thinker of international relations, he defines the nature of international relations in his famous citation as: “politics  are  nothing, but it is  a struggle  for power” though, currently the situation is totally different as most of the countries in the world  are facing the biggest crisis  since World War II. They are affected by the devastating Corona virus disease COVID-19 ( Corona virus disease is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus ). They are witnessing great uncertainty and the Corona virus has put the world economy standstill. This is the main reason why currently super powers are not struggling for dominance; and only trying to sustain their economies. Thought, it has started to change and now they are  leaving  their welfare frame of mind and started  blaming each  other. Australia has called for an inquiry into the origin of the COVID-19 and Germany and Br...