It was
the 3rd Conference of Parties (COP 3) of United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC),
which was held in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997, when more than 150 nations
negotiated the first international legally binding treaty usually referred as
the Kyoto Protocol, to control and reduce emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs). It was the most significant environmental
accord ever adopted to reduce the emission of six major greenhouse gases,
« Carbon
« Methane
« Nitrous
« Hydroflurocarbons
« Perflurocarbons
« Sulphur
It came
into force on 16 February 2005 after required number of at least 55 countries
ratified it and directed 37 industrialized countries and the European Community to cut their GHGs
emission up to 5.2% measured against 1992 levels over a period of five years
(2008-2012), the first commitment period. The protocol is ratified by 192
parties with notable exception of the United
States which dropped out in 2001 and Canada
in 2011.
protocol commits to combat global warming by reducing concentration of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to “a
level that would prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.”
protocol is based on the principle of “Common
but Differentiated Responsibility” (CBDR) which puts extra burden on
developed countries to reduce GHGs emissions on the basis of that they are
traditionally more responsible for the current level of GHGs in the atmosphere.
CBDR divides countries into following groups
historically largest polluting developed countries or Annex I countries – these are the industrialised countries that
were members of the OECD (Organisation
for Economic Co-Operation) in 1992 and countries with economies in transition (the EIT parties) such as the United
Kingdom, Russia, France, Japan,
Baltic states and several Central and Eastern European States etc. which are
polluting the earth since industrial revolution.
Annex II countries, these are the OECD countries which are the members of
Annex I, but not the EIT. These countries
ae required to provide financial resources to the developing countries to help
them reduce their carbon emissions.
Non-Annex I Parties, these are
mostly the developing countries which are vulnerable to the adverse impacts of
climate change, such as countries with low-lying coastal areas, prone to
desertification and drought and countries like China, India, Brazil, etc. which
are polluting since 1950s.
And lastly,
there are 49 countries that are classified as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) by the United Nations. These
countries are given special consideration under the agreement, due to their
limited resources.
means that every country whether it is developed or developing must participate
to combat climate change.
“But differentiated responsibilities” means
that traditionally largest polluters should do more as compare to the newly
polluters. Therefore, under CBDR, developed countries must contribute extra to
reduce GHGs.
The Kyoto
protocol puts obligation on Annex I countries to reduce GHGs emission whereas
Annex II countries have no obligation but may participate in the fight against
climate change voluntarily.
Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms
They are
also known as Flexible Market Mechanisms.
These are
1. Clean
Development Mechanisms (CDM): The
CDM allows industrialized countries with a greenhouse gas reduction commitment
(Annex 1 countries) to finance in
projects that reduce emissions in developing countries as an alternative to
more expensive emission reductions in their own countries.
Implementation: it allows industrialized
countries to meet part of their required cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by
paying for projects that reduce emissions in other industrialized countries
Trading: Emission (or Carbon) trading
is an arrangement that controls pollution by providing economic incentives for
achieving emission reductions. To simplify it, emitters are given a cap on
emissions, if that cap is exceeded they must buy credits and if they emit less
than their allowance they can sell credits.
Commitment Period
First Commitment Period: 2008-2012
Second Commitment Period: it ranges from 2012-2020 and
also known as Doha amendment.
the Kyoto protocol is the first ever global treaty that sets binding limits to
the emission of GHGs and represents a landmark
diplomatic accomplishment. But it has some shortcomings also, as India, China
and USA world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gases is not bound to the
protocol. Because USA had not ratified the protocol whereas India and China
have a status of developing countries and they are not bound to the protocol. According
to the Global Carbon Atlas, China
and USA were the largest emitters of GHGs in 2018. In 2011, Canada was the
first party to renounce the protocol because they say that the protocol does
not cover the biggest polluting countries like USA and China.
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